During this pandemic, we need to stay as healthy as possible, whether we have been vaccinated or not.
In this article, we review five ways you can maintain your health.
Keeping Clean
Let’s start with washing your hands. This is your first defense against the virus or any virus, even the common cold! Make it a habit to keep your hands clean after leaving a public location; such as a bus, train, taxi, airlines, restroom, or even when using such minor things as using a vending machine. Does that sound like an obsession? Maybe it is, but in this environment, it wouldn’t hurt to get a little obsessed! Make sure that you carry some anti-bacterial solution or wipes and you’ll be fine.
Eat Well
Eating healthy is a priority and an important one. If you are not eating properly, you will know!
Here is a list of just some of the foods and nutrients that will fight off those free radicals and help to keep your heart running well and your brain thinking clearly.
Salmon is loaded with nutrients that keep you healthy. Starting with potassium, which controls your blood pressure and helps to reduce the potential of getting a stroke.
Salmon also contains a good amount of Omega-3 fatty acids. Here’s a list of the most important elements that Omega-3 fatty acids provide:
- Fights anxiety and depression
- Reduces long-term inflammation. This helps reduce the risk of getting some of the worst diseases, such as heart disease and cancer.
Fights autoimmune diseases. This is where your body’s immune system gets overzealous and kills healthy cells, which can make you very unhealthy.
Reduces the risk of getting Alzheimer’s Disease
- Reduces the risk of getting cancer. Studies have shown that people who eat salmon regularly have a 55% less chance of getting the disease than those who don’t eat it.
- Improves eye health.
- Helps keep your skin healthy.
Shell Fish
Packed with zinc, an essential mineral that helps keep your immune system healthy. During this pandemic, taking foods that contain zinc would be highly recommended.
Studies show that eating one banana each day will replenish your fiber intake and provide more antioxidants. And here’s a list of other natural ingredients that bananas have:
- Vitamin C
- Magnesium
- Manganese
- Net carbs
- FiberProteinSee Your Doctor!
Going for routine maintenance is as essential as doing it with your car. Avoiding this may lead to problems, just like if you avoided maintaining your car, so don’t do it. Especially, if you are reaching senior age or are already in this golden age.
You don’t avoid bringing your car in for routine maintenance, right? Then you should do the same thing with your body. With that said, the older you are, the more this should apply.
Get Vaccinated!
The Delta variant is coming and may hit our shores soon. Although we don’t know the outcome of this one and certainly hope this doesn’t affect us like the original covid did last year, why take the chance. Get the vaccine!
Drink Water
Water is your body’s natural fluid and helps you to lose weight as well. Don’t neglect it. Green tea is a winner also.
Don’t Forget to Exercise!
10,000 steps a day! That is what is recommended and for good reason. Just look at the benefits you can achieve by exercising once per day!
- Lose weight
- Improve sleep
- Strengthens the heart
- Lower blood pressure
- Keeps your brain functioning well
- Reduces anxiety
- Helps build strong muscles and bones
Gyms are opening up, so take advantage of that or if you are still concerned about covid, jog around your neighborhood or at the park. Buy an exercise machine or simply do it yourself – push-ups, sit-ups, running in place – you choose but just get that blood pumping!
In Closing
Staying healthy and pumping more antioxidants in your body is more important than ever these days as the covid pandemic is still with us, but even if it isn’t, following these basic steps will help to keep you in your best condition.
And to give you a little more incentive, we leave you with this tasty healthy treat!
Blueberries, strawberries mixed with light cottage cheese, raisins, bananas, and granola with nuts. Spices include Tumeric, roasted garlic and herbs, and a bit of ‘Everything’ just like your everything bagel.
Bon Appetite!