It’s no surprise when we say that COVID-19 is all over us and still, to this day, it is still spreading. Now quicker than ever, thanks to the Omicron vibrant! Fortunately, even though this strain is the most contagious that is infecting us now, it is also the most passive. For most of us, someone we know has already been infected including possibly you as well.
Vaccinated or Non Vaccinated – What’s the Difference?
There is a major difference. If you are not vaccinated, you stand the chance of getting more sick than those that have been given the jab. For the ones that have an immune deficiency and/or are elderly, your chances are higher, and subsequently, you may become severely ill, and possibly end up in a hospital. No one wants that!How Can I Protect Myself Against the Virus?
Having antibodies in your body is your best defense. They will shield you from the most serious ailments and keep you from such symptoms as extreme fatigue and other serious medical issues. If you are lacking too many of these antibodies, you could possibly end up hospitalized.How Do I Get These Antibodies?

Eat Healthily!
All studies point to a healthy diet leading to a healthy life, not to mention an effective immune system. Stick to fruits and vegetables. Also, fish, especially salmon has been found to be excellent health food. Learn about what foods are good for you and what is not.How Do I Keep Safe Outside?