Cino's Hot Bagels

Eating Healthy at Cino’s Bagels

Fruits and Vegetables
Eat Healthy

No way you say? At a bagel store? Because you immediately become emersed in the thought of bagels and the calories that accompany them but did you ever think about the food items you can eat that are low on calories and also healthy for your body and brain? With over 30 years of baking experience, let’s see what healthy treats Cinos can do for you!

Yogurt Parfait

Packed with protein, fiber, calcium, iron, and vitamin C, how can you go wrong? This tasty breakfast (also as a snack) contains blueberries, strawberries, granola, and of course yogurt. 

OK, we know. Most of these parfaits do have some sugar content, but if you are not that concerned about your weight and even if you are, the calorie content is not that much to really be concerned about, and in general, the health benefits can outweigh the negative; however, it really is up to you – the individual to make the final decision.

Let’s start with some blueberries and strawberries (nutrients discussed in the Fresh Fruits section) for your parfait and a little granola to the top.

What is Granola?

Granola with berries
Photo by Dessy Dimcheva on Unsplash

Granola is a very high fiber filling food. It can fill your stomach so you don’t feel hungry for more calorie-ridden snacks. This is referred to as satiation. Granola contains oats and whole grains, which help you not just maintain weight but are also loaded with antioxidants, proteins, healthy fats, and micronutrients.


Improves Blood Pressure
Blood pressure problems? Dig into that granola let your blood run (in a healthy way of course). Granola has been found in studies that it can help with hypertension

Lowers Cholesterol
The oats in granola contain beta-glucan, which studies have shown that these oats help to reduce “bad” cholesterol (LDL) levels. This can help in reducing the possibility of heart disease.

Fresh Fruit

You don’t have to have a parfait to enjoy some healthy low-calorie foods. Have a feast on fresh blueberries, strawberries, and bananas along with your wake me up coffee or cappuccino.

Here are the benefits of eating fresh fruit:


Fresh Berries in a bowl
Photo by Brandon Wilson on Unsplash

This superfood is packed with antioxidants, which is a healthy element that attacks free radicals and free radicals is not something that you want in your body.

Blueberries are known to have one of the highest antioxidant capacities compared to other fruits and vegetables. The benefits of acquiring antioxidants on a daily basis help to lower the risk of heart disease and brain diseases, as well as help people with stress and anxiety. 


Fiber is a welcome ingredient here, as well as fighting oxidative stress (the result of free radicals), which, like blueberries help to reduce the risk of illnesses such as heart disease and cancer.

In Closing

These are just a sample of healthy foods Cinos can provide. We didn’t even tell you about our veggie sandwiches. Why not drop by and check it out? And don’t forget to have a cup of our freshly made cappuccino!

What’s the Difference Between Cappuccino and Espresso?

So you go to a bagel store and look at the drink menu. You see the coffee listings and you are bewildered by all the different types of coffee they have. Well, bewilder no more. Here we will discuss what each coffee blend is so you can make an educated decision. Let’s go!


Coffee on a tableEver drink black coffee? There you go! Only this type of black coffee will give you the jump start for your morning commute. That’s because espresso is darker and stronger. You will usually get it in a shot glass or you might get it as a double.

With that said, espresso is nothing more than strong black coffee with a bit of milk foam, called macchiato (meaning ‘mark’) at the top. It is also found at numerous other coffee drinks’ base (bottom).

What is Milk Foam?

Well, you need an espresso machine to start with. It comes with a steam wand required to push (hot) air into the milk, but only the tip of the wand is placed into the milk and only at the top. Once correctly placed, the air comes out of the wand, which causes mist in the milk. You can then pour the steamed milk on top of the drink and even make some designs. This process of sending air into the milk is called frothering and is an essential process in making espresso coffee. 

What are the Ingredients of Espresso?

The coffee shop connoisseur boils a minor amount of water. Then, he forces the water through tiny ground coffee beans, which makes the espresso thicker than the typical coffee you are more familiar with. To finish it off, he places the milk foam at the top.

Believe it or not, espresso is not caffeine-heavy and has a bit less caffeine than standard coffee.

What is Cappuccino?

A cup of Cappuccino
Photo by Jez Timms on Unsplash

A favorite among Italians. This drink can be served hot or cold, but most people are used to the hot one. 

Cappuccino is made with espresso poured at the bottom with milk at the top. In between is steamed milk and milk foam. The proportion of ingredients is 1/3 espresso, 1/3 steamed milk, and 1/3 milk foam. 

Sounds tasty, right? So the next time you go into your coffee shop or bagel store, get a fresh cup of hot cappuccino! 

A Health Guide on Coffee Consumption and the Brain

Coffee on a table

Ah, coffee! The wake me up in the morning, get up and go drink. But is coffee really good for you? Well, for the most part, yes, as it has antioxidants that help kill those scary free radicals in your body and, consequently, help to reduce oxidative stress. 

But you are saying, huh?? What? Don’t worry; we won’t let you hang with these unfamiliar terms without explaining or providing the benefits that can result. We will also discuss how to keep free radicals at bay. 

We’d like to note that drinking coffee may have some adverse effects. If you’d like to know more about coffee’s possible adverse effects, click here.

Let’s Start by Talking About Oxidative Stress – What is It?

Illustration of the antioxidation process
Free radicals, antioxidants, and healthy atoms  (Bigstock)

Any substance that loses electrons is called oxidized and labeled a reducing agent. Any substance that gains electrons is the oxidizing agent.

Oxidative stress is the process where cells are oxidized, and in the case of cells in the human body, they die, specifically in the brain. So, the idea is to minimize these reactions. 

The cells in the brain are called neurons. There are billions of them in our brains, and they communicate by sending impulses to each other, which creates thought and maintains memory. This process is the psychological representation of how we think. 

Neurons can get damaged by some nasty fellers called free radicals, cells containing missing electrons. Since free radicals lack electrons, they look for neurons that have the electrons they need, and subsequently, they attempt to steal them from healthy cells, and then the neurons become defective. This can inhibit the cells from making contact with other neurons, damaging the brain’s cognitive process.

With that said, it would take billions of these mutations actually to cause a brain malfunction; however, the more that free radicals are free to rob and steal (the more they keep attacking healthy cells), the more hazardous it can become for us.

So, What are the Actual Consequences of Oxidative Stress? 

Illustration of neurons and their electrical impluses
Synapse and Neuron cells sending electrical chemical signals.

Memory loss is one possibility, but the situation can worsen if the free radicals are not contained. Oxidation can also cause fatigue, eyesight issues, headaches, and increased susceptibility to infections by diminishing the immune system. Studies have shown that they may also be responsible for age-related wrinkles and gray hair, so seniors take note! The risk of acquiring diseases such as Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s Disease is also a possibility. 

How Do We Keep Free Radicals at Bay?

Simple. Eat the right foods and drink the right drinks! 

Eat and drink foods that contain antioxidants – the entities that fight off free radicals, so the more antioxidants in our bodies, the stronger our immune systems and the healthier we can be. 

Enter Coffee!

Cup of coffeeA study by the Laboratory of Neuroscience in Boston stated, “Coffee can have direct effects on the brain and also reduces oxidative stress and inflammation.” 

So, coffee is rich in antioxidants. The result is you are drinking an antioxidant booster, so one (or more – but in moderation) coffee cup per day may keep the doctor away!






A Taste of Bagel History

Assorted BagelsThe first recorded bagel originated in the Jewish communities of 16th-century Poland. The name is derived from the Yiddish word beygal in association with the German word beugel, meaning “ring” or “bracelet”.

As the centuries passed, the bagel became popular throughout Europe, and most recently, within the last century, it has become a household word in North America, especially in the big cities. New York is the primary bagel city.

What is the Bagel Made of?

Man rolling doughA better question would be – what is bagel dough? It is formed by mixing salt, water, and yeast to make it rise, called leveling. The bagels you get at a bagel store are not automated. Instead, they are shaped by hand into a ring; hence, the original word beygal (ring). It is then boiled and baked. The result is a soft, circular, tasty form of bread.

What Can I Eat with a Bagel?

Bagel SandwichCream cheese is a favorite, but many people add lox (salmon) while they’re at it, and some tomatoes are added for a real breakfast treat! There are so many other foods you can have with a bagel.

You can also add eggs, fruits, vegetables, and so on. Of course, don’t forget the ketchup. Bagel stores can offer you any combination of your heart desires as well as ready-made packages. 

What Kind of Bagels Are There?

Some people prefer just the plain type, but why settle for plain? Treat yourself to an egg, onion bagel, or maybe an everything bagel. Put some of the add-ons mentioned above. Have some coffee while at it, and don’t forget to get your bagel with a smear!

To order your bagels, check out